
Upgrading WordPress 2.6

Today I upgraded to WordPress 2.6.

I followed the instructions how to upgrading WordPress and this has never failed… till today 🙁 .

This is what happened: I upgraded and everything was oke. I could login, the upgrading of the database worked fine. I could see my post, pages, etc, etc in the admin and edit them.
So I checked out my homepage: and everything was as it should: mission completed…. NOT!! 🙁

Every link to another page didn’t work, you can navigate by “older post” but not with “recent posts” or the title of the post.

It took me some time to find the correct way to search about this problem: it has something to do with the permalinks. In all cases, these people have permalink structures that contain “index.php”.
Example: “

Still no idea? Go to your “[your WordPress install]/wp-admin/options-permalink.php” (Customize Permalink Structure) and you will probable see that you don’t have the default setting ( :: no “index.php”) but have chosen something else (in my case: [x] Day and name — )

I found the explanation here: 2.6 Permalink issues with “index.php” and in my case the second option worked.

2. If you need/want the index.php to be there, then on the Settings->Permalinks screen, add some values in for the category and tag bases. The words “category” and “tag” will do just fine. As long as they are not blank, this should work around the bug.

This is bug in WordPress 2.6, read more about it here: It will be fixed in the next version (2.6.1)

But for now you can make your WordPress work again: visit your “[your WordPress install]/wp-admin/options-permalink.php” (Customize Permalink Structure) and fill in the two boxes at the bottom with “category” and “tag

happy blogging

AS3 Flash Open source / Freeware

Lite components from BIT-101: Minimalcomps

Update #1: there has been another update New MinimalComp: WheelNav, but I’m pretty sure I won’t been using this one very much…

I’m using this for some time now, and it’s time to share this with you all: Minimalcomps from BIT-101.

This lite-weight components set is great, I can see what the code is doing, it’s easy to use and its simplicity is beautiful (and I love pixel font in Flash, I should use it more).

Minimal ActionScript 3.0 code only UI components

Do you need some reading material? Some documentation and introduction can be found on Keith Peters (BIT-101) site: read the first post about the Minimalcomps.

But in short:
This are some of the examples (since the first post there are some new components created, but they are not as frequently used as this set);

[swf], 500, 500[/swf]

For lazy readers (and a reminder for myself: the site of BIT-101 doesn’t have a very useful search, and the google code page doesn’t have documentation), here some code to create what you see above not entirely true, but I will keep the code here:
[as collapse=”true”]
var panel:Panel = new Panel(this, stage.stageWidth / 4, stage.stageHeight / 8);
panel.setSize(stage.stageWidth / 2, stage.stageHeight * 3 / 4);

var checkBox:CheckBox = new CheckBox(panel, 20, 20);
checkBox.label = "Check it out!";

var label:Label = new Label(panel, 20, 40);
label.text = "This is a label";

var pushbutton:PushButton = new PushButton(panel, 20, 60);
pushbutton.label = "Push Me!";
pushbutton.width = 100;

var hSlider:HSlider = new HSlider(panel, 20, 90);
var vSlider:VSlider = new VSlider(panel, 130, 20);

var inputText:InputText = new InputText(panel, 20, 110);
inputText.text = "Input Text";

var _progressBar:ProgressBar = new ProgressBar(panel, 20, 140);

var radio1:RadioButton = new RadioButton(panel, 20, 160);
radio1.label = "Choice 1";
var radio2:RadioButton = new RadioButton(panel, 20, 180);
radio2.label = "Choice 2";
var radio3:RadioButton = new RadioButton(panel, 20, 200);
radio3.label = "Choice 3";

var colorchooser:ColorChooser = new ColorChooser(panel, 20, 230);
colorchooser.value = 0xff0000;

This is the code you want to use, to create all the components (minus wheelnav… ) in a document class.
MinimalComps collection
import com.bit101.components.*;
import flash.display.*;

* @author Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]
public class MainCube extends MovieClip

public function MainCube():void
trace( "MainCube.MainCube" );

var panel:Panel = new Panel(this, 20, 20);
panel.setSize(stage.stageWidth * .75, stage.stageHeight * .75);

var _CheckBox:CheckBox = new CheckBox(panel, 20, 20, "Check it out!");

var _Label:Label = new Label(panel, 20, 40, "This is a label");

var _PushButton:PushButton = new PushButton(panel, 20, 60, "Push Me!");
_PushButton.width = 100;

var _HSlider:HSlider = new HSlider(panel, 20, 90);
var _VSlider:VSlider = new VSlider(panel, 130, 20);

var _VUISlider:VUISlider = new VUISlider(panel, 150, 20, ‘VUISlider’);
_VUISlider.value = 55.5;
var _HUISlider:HUISlider = new HUISlider (panel, 20, 260, ‘HUISlider’);

var _InputText:InputText = new InputText(panel, 20, 110, "Input Text");

var _ProgressBar:ProgressBar = new ProgressBar(panel, 20, 140);
//trace( "_ProgressBar.maximum : " + _ProgressBar.maximum );
_ProgressBar.value = .75;

var radio1:RadioButton = new RadioButton(panel, 20, 160, "Choice 1", true);
var radio2:RadioButton = new RadioButton(panel, 20, 180, "Choice 2");
var radio3:RadioButton = new RadioButton(panel, 20, 200, "Choice 3");

var _ColorChooser:ColorChooser = new ColorChooser(panel, 20, 230, 0xff0000);

var _IndicatorLight:IndicatorLight = new IndicatorLight (panel, 250, 20, 0xff00ff, "IndicatorLight");

var _Knob:Knob = new Knob (panel, 350, 20, "Knob");

var _Meter:Meter = new Meter (panel, 200, 100, "Meter");

var _RotarySelector:RotarySelector = new RotarySelector (panel, 270, 220, "RotarySelector");

var _Text:Text = new Text (panel, 80, 170, "Text what ever you want to place in here");
_Text.setSize (100, 50);


} // end class

} // end package

And it quite easy to create buttons:
var myButton:PushButton = new PushButton(this, 10, 20, onClick);
function onClick (e:Event){
trace (‘onClick’);
// do something else

You can download the MinimalComps set at:
The set includes a CheckBox, PushButton, HSlider, VSlider, InputText, ProgressBar, RadioButton, ColorChooser (text input only) and Panel.

One big fat tip from me:
in the zip you will find a folder named ‘assets’ and in there is a truetype font called ‘pf_ronda_seven.ttf‘. You need to install that on your computer (Windows: C:\WINDOWS\Fonts , Apple: ??) and add it to your Flash file.

How to add a font to the Flash Library

Goto your library, add a “New Font”
Library add New Font
(sorry for the strange looking Flash, it has something to do with my screenshot programm)

Name: “PF Ronda Seven” (you need to spell this exactly as here, without the quotes (“))
Font: search for “PF Ronda Seven”, if you can’t find it, you probably need to restart Flash.
Size: 10

Font Symbol screen
(use this screenshot as an example if you don’t know what I mean)

You need to embed the font from the library into the .FLA : search the font you just created in the library and Right Click >> choose Linkage. Just check “Export for Actionscript” (“Export in first frame” will be activated to). I didn’t change anything, press “OK”

and you done!