AS3 Design Flash Urban papercraft

Twitter rss reader in Flash as3

Update #1: must read this post, otherwise this code will fail when you place it on your server!

I recently started my own company ( and I need to make a website for it…. Not really a problem besides that I don’t have any time to create a design.

So I was thinking about a easy way to update this website without spending extra time on that.

Because the main focus of the company is papertoys (urban papertoys), I need design or papertoy related info in my my new website ().

And I came with two ways to update it without extra effort: twitter (I tweet about a lot of stuff but primarily about papertoys) and this the content on this blog (category: urban-papercraft).

I started with the Twitter part.
There are two Twitter AS3 libraries that “speak” to the Twitter API: twitterscript/ and tweetr/.
But after reading the source I concluded that it was a little bit to much: I don’t want to tweet from or do searches, so that was not the way to go.

A little google search gave me the solution:, simple using the standard rss from Twitter (in my case: Matthijs Kamstra – Twitter – rss).

The code on is pritty simple, and very easy to use.
So my code is a little addition to that, I need some stuff done to the rss feed:

  • remove “MatthijsKamstra:” form the title
  • convert @paperkraft to a link
  • convert #Mecha6 to a link
  • convert http:// to a link

Here is my code:
[as light=”false” wraplines=”false”]
package nl.emceekay.twttr
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.text.TextField;
* // nl.emceekay.twttr.TwttrExample
* …
* @author Matthijs Kamstra aka [mck]
public class TwttrExample extends MovieClip
private var url:String = "";

private var _txt:TextField;

public function TwttrExample()
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
stage.align = "TL";

// generate textfield
_txt = new TextField()
_txt.x = 10;
_txt.y = 10;
_txt.width = stage.stageWidth – 20;
_txt.height = stage.stageHeight – 20;
_txt.wordWrap = true;
_txt.multiline = true;
_txt.autoSize = "left";

// start

//////////////////////////////////////// loading rss / show rss ////////////////////////////////////////

private function getFeed (inURL:String) : void
_txt.htmlText = "getting tweets";

var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onFeedHandler);
loader.load(new URLRequest(inURL));

private function onFeedHandler (e:Event):void
_txt.htmlText = "";
var _feed:XML = new XML(;
var _item:XMLList =;
for each (var feedItem:XML in _item){
var _title :String = feedItem.title;
var _pubDate :String = feedItem.pubDate;
var _link :String =;

_title = convertTweet(_title);

_txt.htmlText += _title + "<br><i>" + _pubDate + "</i><br><br>";

//////////////////////////////////////// twitter specific ////////////////////////////////////////

// one place to convert the tweet
private function convertTweet (inString:String):String
var _str:String = inString;
_str = twttrStripName(_str);
_str = twttrConvertHTTP(_str);
_str = twttrConvertMention(_str);
_str = twttrConvertHashtag(_str);
_str = twttrConvertSmileys(_str);
return _str;

// remove the writers name from the tweet
private function twttrStripName (inString:String):String
var _str:String = inString;
var _charNumber:Number = _str.indexOf(":");
return _str.substr(_charNumber + 2);

// convert http-strings to links
private function twttrConvertHTTP(inString:String):String
var _str:String = inString;
var _array:Array = _str.split(" ");
for (var i:int = 0; i < _array.length; i++)
var _str2:String = twttrStripChar(_array[i]);
if (_array[i].indexOf("http") != -1)
_array[i] = "<u><a href=’" + _str2 + "’ target=’_blank’>" +_array[i] + "</a></u>";
return _array.join(" ");

// convert mentions (@) to links
private function twttrConvertMention(inString:String):String
var _str:String = inString;
var _array:Array = _str.split(" ");
for (var i:int = 0; i < _array.length; i++)
var _str2:String = twttrStripChar(_array[i]);
if (_array[i].substr(0, 1) == "@")
_array[i] = "<u><a href=’" + _str2.split("@")[1] + "’ target=’_blank’>" +_array[i] + "</a></u>";
return _array.join(" ");

// convert hashtags (#) to links
private function twttrConvertHashtag(inString:String):String
var _str:String = inString;
var _array:Array = _str.split(" ");
for (var i:int = 0; i < _array.length; i++)
var _str2:String = twttrStripChar(_array[i]);
if (_array[i].substr(0, 1) == "#")
_array[i] = "<u><a href=’" + _str2.split("#")[1] + "’ target=’_blank’>" +_array[i] + "</a></u>";
return _array.join(" ");

// TODO: [mck] convert 🙂 to a smiley image
private function twttrConvertSmileys(inString:String):String
var _str:String = inString;
return _str;

// remove "strange" characters from the end of the string
private function twttrStripChar(inString:String):String
var _str:String = inString;
var _charArray:Array = [‘,’, ‘;’, ‘:’, ‘ ‘, ‘-‘, ‘_’];
for (var i:int = 0; i < _charArray.length; i++)
if (_str.charAt(_str.length – 1) == _charArray[i]) {
_str = _str.substr(0, _str.length – 1);
return _str;

} // end class

} // end package

Currently I have only this proof of concept, but soon I will post the example on

Because this is part one of what I want to do, and don’t want to search for every link again, I’m posting also the WordPress link here (it’s just because I’m lazy).

So here the feeds I will be using:

Design Urban papercraft


I’m in the latest edition of the II LOVE magazine from Marko Zubak

In this issue we will remain on the first phase of creation, the form. Here the accent is put on the sculptural aspect of denuded paper toys, giving an impression that each one of them represents it’s own species.
Here is shown a selection of more than 50 paper toys, but of course, there are lot of other different kinds of paper toys out there. Many great designs are left out because of various reasons and I feel really sorry for some of them.

by Marko Zubak, creator of II LOVE magazine

Download II LOVE magazine from YEBOMAYCU.

Design Urban papercraft

Flickr gallery: Inspiration Papertoys – part 1

I’ve been playing (again) with Flickr galleries, and I made a papertoys series what should inspire you.

So here it is: my Flickr gallery: Inspiration Papertoys – part 1.

Inspiration Papertoys - part 1

I hope you like it

Design Urban papercraft

Urban Paper in Kansas City

Another Urban paper book artshow:

Urban Paper in Kansas City

You can find the usual suspects there plus some that are not in the book (but probably will be in the next, if this book will be sold enough 😉 )

via Custom Paper Toys

Design Urban papercraft

Subwalk – Urban Paper: book launch and papertoy art show

I should have posted this a lot sooner, but here it is: the official invitation to the Urban Paper: book launch and papertoy art show at Subwalk. (in Dutch and English)

Op zaterdag 1 AUGUSTUS opent SUBWALK ‘URBAN PAPER: book launch + paper toys art show’. Naast de Europese release van het boek URBAN PAPER gevuld met paper art van diverse internationale designers, start een expositie met de nieuwste werken van diverse nationale en internationale designers die nog te zien zal zijn de gehele maand augustus.

PAPER TOYS zijn de snelst groeiende stroming binnen de designer toy wereld. Door hun gratis beschikbaarheid online wordt er een uniek platform voor zowel designers als liefhebbers geboden.


Het URBAN PAPER is het eerste boek waarin deze opkomende trend centraal staat. Het bevat naast 26 kant-en-klare papertoys van de internationale top designers, interviews met de makers en een stap-voor-stap uitleg over het ontwerpen van je eigen paper toys, en een bonus DVD vol met templates, video’s en meer.


SUBWALK’s URBAN PAPER show viert de officiële Europese release van dit eerste paper toy boek en toont de beste originele handgemaakte paper toys van al de Urban Paper ontwerpers met o.a.: TETSUYA WATANABE / BRIAN CASTLEFORTE / BEN O’BRIEN / FILIPPO PERIN / MATT HAWKINS / MCKIBILLO / JACK HANKINS / SHIN TANAKA en KENN MUNK.

Daarnaast zullen voor het eerst unieke, exclusief voor de expo ontworpen designs te zien zijn van de NEDERLANDSE ONTWERPERS: LOULOU / MARSHALL ALEXANDER / MAARTEN JANSSENS / MATTHIJS KAMSTRA / RINGO KRUMBIEGEL / DOLLY OBLONG en SJORS TRIMBACH.


De URBAN PAPER EXPO opent op zaterdag 1 AUGUSTUS om 20 u in aanwezigheid van alle genoemde Nederlandse ontwerpers en is te zien tot en met 30 AUGUSTUS.


De LEZING door paper toy pionier SJORS TRIMBACH vindt plaats op vrijdag 21 AUGUSTUS en vangt aan om 20.00 u. Entree 5 euro (inclusief gratis DIY paper toy).

Meer info: / / / URBAN PAPER op myspace


SUBWALK // Roos or Sjors Trimbach



Gallery SUBWALK in Arnhem, the Netherlands opens on Saturday August 1st ‘URBAN PAPER’: book launch + paper toys art show. The show will be a celebration of the European release of the URBAN PAPER book and a showcase of the newest paper pieces by both national and international artists which will be on view throughout August.

PAPER TOYS are the fastest growing trend in the designer toy world. Through their free online availability they form a unique platform or both designers and collectors. Urban Paper is the first book to capture these toys. It contains 26 ready-to-build paper toy templates by top designers, interviews with the artists and a step-by-step how-to on designing your own paper toys.

SUBWALK’s URBAN PAPER art show brings the best one-of-a-kind handmade paper toys by all Urban Paper contributors such as: TETSUYA WATANABE, BRIAN CASTLEFORTE, BEN O’BRIEN, FILIPPO PERIN, MATT HAWKINS, MCKIBILLO, JACK HANKINS, SHIN TANAKA en KENN MUNK.


The Urban Paper show opens on SATURDAY AUGUST 1st at 8pm with the above Dutch designers on hand and will be on view through August 30th. On FRIDAY the 21st of AUGUST a LECTURE is held by paper toy pioneer SJORS TRIMBACH.

MORE info: / / / URBAN PAPER op myspace


SUBWALK // Roos or Sjors Trimbach

Design Drukk Urban papercraft

Interview for – Liefdewerk ‘Oud Papier’

A dutch newspaper ( interviewed me about Papertoys. They also made a movie about it. 😀

Part of the article in

It’s an article in Dutch: – Cultuur en media – Liefdewerk ‘Oud Papier’.
(a rude and crude translation by Google to English: click here)

Some free publicity for the exhibit in Subwalk (Arnhem – the Netherlands).

Design Urban papercraft

Papertoy design – The basics

One of my most popular post is about how to create papertoys (How to create your own papercraft).
It seems that a lot of people are interested in papertoys and how to make themselves.
But there is not a lot of information about it, so I started this series.
Do you want to know more about my reasons read this.

Because I have not a plan about writing about this, I will call this Lesson 1 – The Cube

The basics…

The first shape you will run into when you start with papertoys is the cube. It’s easy to recognize: all sides (width, height, depth) are the same.

cube 3d
When you build one, it will look something like the one you see above. Not really impressive, yet.

Flat version of a cube

Okay, you probably know how a cube looks, but how does it look flat on a piece of paper:
cube flat

How do I make it into a Urban Papertoy?

For the cube I see 2 methods:
1. Design a pattern/print for it.
2. Add stuff to the cube.

Method 1: Find a cube-pattern

The thing that I do first is, print it out and build the model. It’s strange but when you can hold it, flip it, etc, you will get more ideas then when you just look for it in your head. It will get your creative juices going. Look for clues in the real world…

What is a cube in the real world? A dice
Tutorial-cube image-dice
Tutorial-cube image-alarm
Tutorial-cube image-table
Tutorial-cube image-tv
Tutorial-cube image-box
, …. hmmmm not a lot a stuff is really a cube….
Perhaps a little car or bus when you square them out…
Tutorial-cube image-car
A couple of rectangle shaped object can make a cube: stack of books, cds, video, …. you get the idea.
Tutorial-cube image-books
Tutorial-cube image-cds

But that would only create “dead” object (there are not a lot of living objects that are square), so we need to expend our horizon to other objects.

Method 2: Adding stuff to the cube

Now we start adding stuff. This method gives you more room to create cool stuff.
Lets try a couple:
Add a beak, make the cube yellow and you have a little bird.
Tutorial-cube image-littlebird
Add a back fin, make the cube green and you have a prehistoric beast.
Tutorial-cube image-monster
Add two wings and you have a plane…. or another bird.
Tutorial-cube image-plane
Tutorial-cube image-bird
Add an periscope, some water and you have a submarine.
Tutorial-cube image-sub
Add ears and get a head.
Tutorial-cube image-head
Sometimes it helps to rotate the object a little bit. In this case with our cube it will not help you a lot but lets try that.
Add an tail and get a whale.
Tutorial-cube image-whale
Add four feet and get a turtle.
Tutorial-cube image-turtle
You can even add an extra cube, and make a totem pole.

Method 1: How to create/draw a cube-pattern

cube sketch
You can sketch everything with a cube 3d print out like I did. Then you have a global idea how you pattern should look. Then you’ll take your favorite design program (in my case Illustrator) and open the flat template and start designing.
The only problem that you will need to know which part goes where AND and how the pattern connects to the other parts of the template.
You can also build the cube, get your drawing tools out (markers, paint, pen, pencils, whatever) and color/draw the pattern that you want. When you are finished, get a scissor and cut the cube open. Scan it and redraw it, or just draw some glue tabs on it and you are done.

How to create/draw the additional stuff

The same as above: you can sketch everything. Or you start with building a cube and adding stuff as you go. This is a method I use a lot: it’s faster then thinking every thing out on a computer and you see at once if the measurements are correct. If you are satisfied with would you just added to the cube you can measure it with a ruler and rebuild it in your favorite design program. Or cut it of, scan it and then redraw it.

Download links

To get you started I have template with a blank cube for you to download. So you can try some of the technique described here in this tutorial. The zip also contains some of the stuff you can add to a cube to make it more fun.

Happy cut’n & fold’n

[download of a cube/with extra’s like hands]

Your input is needed

I’m trying to write a book about papertoys and how you can design it. It’s not for me, I already know what I’m doing, it’s for you.
So if you have some questions, use the comments to say it to me.

No questions for me? Just let me know what you think a cube also can be?
Or perhaps examples that you have seen based on a cube.

Use the comments!

Design Urban papercraft

MOD:1 blank papertoy template

By accident… well Methuup da Funky One a NPT member found the MOD:1 CTRL and build it. I love this model as a vinyl, how can you not like it as a papertoy!

So that’s what I want to share:

Visit SuperModifiedstudios and click on MODiGAMI and there they are!

I need to share one part of the pdf series with you:

MOD:1  blank papertoy template
MOD:1 blank papertoy template

To bad I missed the competition ðŸ™

Custom Design Grumm Urban papercraft

Impressive Grumm evolution

Scott Schaller blew me away with a custom for Grumm

Grumm Dragon

Do you see the Grumm in there?
Lets try again:

No? nothing. Nether did I:
But it’s true, it started as a Grumm

What can I say, Scott is amazing
He should stop calling it a Grumm custom and give it his own name.
Perhaps this started as a Grumm, but this is completely different DNA.

Grumm evolution

Design Urban papercraft

Another post about Nice Paper Toys

I’m a member of Nice Paper Toys, well I’m also one of the four Featured Members of NPT.

Update #1: it seems that Nicebunny has a identity crisis (read more about this) and wants to be called by his normal name: Castelforte…… no problem…

Brian Castelforte aka “NiceBunny” (Brian) Castleforte (aka “no longer NiceBunny”) started this social network for papertoy designers and it’s still growing. We now close to a 1000 members. Time to celebrate? Yes, I personally didn’t think we would get this much members, but I’m glad that I was wrong. But Nicebunny Castleforte want more, more people should know about papertoys, and I agree.

And as a good “featured member”, I will use my blog to spread the word once again.

Visit Nice Paper Toys

But what is it? What is NPT (Nice Paper Toys)?
NPT is the only papertoy network. You can show your papertoy creations. Collaborate with other artist, share you thoughts and ideas. It’s all nice, warm, fuzzy feelings, but I like it.

It a place that keeps you wanna make better stuff, become a better artist.

So if you have any questions about papertoys or NPT just leave a comment here. Or become a member and place a comment on my NPT page

Viva la paper!

header of NPT

Update #2: it seems that Castleforte is taking controle of NPT and laying down some rules:

Nice Paper Toy rules