Update: Check the Flashbox directory or more post about FlashBox for recent update
Today I’m focusing on Flash.
- First task was of course the security-box from Flash (which seems to fail ???)
- Get the basic stuff in there (loader, navigation, image, caption)
- And get it to center after loading
- ….
But ….
I’ve got everything working in Flash at this moment but to “copy” Lightbox I need to use animations.
Because the animations create with the default animations classes from Adobe (mx.transitions.Tween) are quite heavy, I was looking for an alternative.
Which I found in TweenLite an excellent piece op work by Jack Doyle.
TweenLite provides a lightweight (about 2k), easy way to tween almost any property over time including a MovieClip’s volume. You can easily tween multiple properties at the same time too.
And because size does matter in this project, this will be a life saver.
[swf]http://www.matthijskamstra.nl/laboratory/flashbox/flashbox_v01.swf, 450,450[/swf]