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Headers broken again: sIFR update

My Flash rendered headers didn’t work after my host transferred my site to another server.
Well in retrospect it’s easy to blame it on the host (sorry guys), but the fault was/is simpler.

I had this problem before : firefox and sifr dont play nice, and just as last time I blamed the wrong person again: not my host but the new Flash Player version 10 killed my sIFR headers…

That would explain why I see my headers at home but not at my work (I didn’t upgrade to Flash Player 10 at home).

The solution is very simple: visit and download the latest version of sifr (2.0.7).

Find your sIFR javascript file and check if it’s 2.0.5 or higher:

If you are upgrading from sIFR 2.0.5 or 2.0.6, you must upgrade the sifr.js JavaScript file.

and overwrite it…

And that’s it.
So do you recognize this situation: update the Flash Player recently/ your sIFR headers work on one computer but not on another/ sIFR works in IE and not in Firefox (or the other way around)/ Flash headers are now html headers …. update your sIFR!

For the people that don’t know sIFR:

sIFR is meant to replace short passages of plain browser text with text rendered in your typeface of choice, regardless of whether or not your users have that font installed on their systems. It accomplishes this by using a combination of JavaScript, CSS, and Flash, which renders the font. It degrades gracefully if Flash is not present. sIFR 3 is open source and licensed under the CC-GNU LGPL.

And I use the WordPress plugin CG-FlashyTitles.

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