AS3 AS3 migration Flash

From AS2 to AS3 – Where did it go – swapDepths

Where did swapDepths () go in AS3?

This is what the ActionScript 2.0 Migration has to say about this:

ActionScript 2.0  ActionScript 3.0  Comments
swapDepths() Method Removed In ActionScript 3.0, you can achieve similar functionality by using the methods of the DisplayObjectContainer class, such as the addChildAt(), setChildIndex(), swapChildren(), and swapChildrenAt() methods.

Removed… bummer, so with what do I replace it with…

In AS2 you can use swapDepths() in two ways:

  • A Number that specifies the depth level where the movie clip is to be placed.
  • An instance name that specifies the movie clip instance whose depth is swapped with the movie clip for which the method is being applied. Both movie clips must have the same parent movie clip.

In the examples there are two movieClips: ‘circle_mc‘ and ‘square_mc‘. Movieclip square_mc is under circle_mc (z-index is lower then circle_mc). And the task is to get square_mc above circle_mc.

AS 2

There are a couple of ways to do that in ActionScript 2:

Example #1
Swap the depth of two movieclips which each other (square_mc will be placed on the depth of circle_mc, and the other way around)

Example #2
I consider this a hack, but one that works

Example #3
When you want to change the depth of something, this is usually to place it on top:

AS 3

Lets try this in ActionScript 3:

Example #1
this.swapChildren(square_mc, circle_mc);
Visit livedocs at the Adobe site for more information and example code
var square = this.getChildByName (‘square_mc’);
var circle = this.getChildByName (‘circle_mc’);

trace(this.getChildAt(0).name); // square_mc
trace(this.getChildAt(1).name); // circle_mc

this.swapChildren(square as DisplayObject, circle as DisplayObject);

trace(this.getChildAt(0).name); // circle_mc
trace(this.getChildAt(1).name); // square_mc

Example #2
not possible anymore… if you want a detailed explanation visit dreaming in Flash blog, and read more about swapDepths() in AS3 (it’s explained with a image)

Example #3
To place a movieclip on the highest depth in actionscript2, we will use MovieClip.getNextHighestDepth,
but in AS3 that function is removed 🙁

In AS3 you need to use numChildren:
this.setChildIndex ( square_mc , this.numChildren - 1 );
Visit livedocs at the Adobe site for more information and example code

I realize that this is not a complete explanation… but I hope this is a starting point to find old function that you used in AS2


FlashDevelop 3.0.0 Beta8 released

I normally don’t regurgitate information of the internet, but this is a program that I use every day.

First I worked with SE|PY, but that project never made it to AS3…. sadly, I really loved that program and one of the reason was that it was build in python and so it was possible to run on OSX, Linux and Windows.
When I started to program AS3, I needed a tool to help me code nicely: FlashDevelop. It runs on .NET so it works only on Windows, but I love this program!

So here a little info from its creator (Mika):

This release is long overdue but there were a few issues that we wanted to resolve and then there were summer vacations… 🙂
There are quite a lot of new features and really nice stability improvements, we hope that all of you enjoy this release!

Read more about this release.

AS3 Custmm Grumm Extending Flash Grumm Urban papercraft

Custmm Grumm – AI 2 Array

Another experiment towards Custmm Grumm. This time my task was to export/import an Illustrator file to Flash…

Yeah, yeah; I know: you say “import to stage” … correct! 😉
But what I need is the shape converted to code (coordinates in the x-direction and y-direction)..
Ha, you stopped grinning!

Well the first part is correct.
You need to import the file to the stage and give every imported shape it’s own layer.
This is something that you don’t want to do by hand (I didn’t want to 😉 ), so I wrote a jsfl that fixes that for you (read my post about it here: object-to-layer-jsfl)

After that you need to extract the values (x and y-positions form the corners of the shapes) of the files. Some thing, you don’t want that to do by hand: I have written a jsfl who does that. (read more about that here: shape-2-array-jsfl )

If you use these two scripts, you get: all imported shapes in different layers, and you can extract all values.
Example of the array:
var shapeArrayz:Array = new Array ();
shapeArrayz[0] = [[20.05,169.5,0] , [62.425,169.5,1] , [104.8,169.5,2] , [104.8,169.5,0] , [104.8,211.85,1] , [104.8,254.2,2] , [104.8,254.2,0] , [62.425,254.2,1] , [20.05,254.2,2] , [20.05,254.2,0] , [20.05,211.85,1] , [20.05,169.5,2]];
// etc…
This array off point can be used to generate the shape you just “traced”.

Generated shapes from an Array

This script (below) is used to generate the points (every line has 3 points, the beginning, the end and one inbetween), and the generated shape on the right side (no points, only the shape):
var shapeArray:Array = [];

// visualize the points
function createPoints2 (_pointArray:Array) {
shapeArray = [];
var point:MovieClipInLibraryWithLinkageName;
for (var i=0; i<_pointArray.length; i++) {
point = new MovieClipInLibraryWithLinkageName();
point.x = _pointArray[i][0];
point.y = _pointArray[i][1];
var switchExpression:uint = _pointArray[i][2];
switch (switchExpression) {
case 0 :
//trace (0);
point.alpha = .5;
shapeArray.push ([_pointArray[i][0],_pointArray[i][1]]);
case 1 :
//trace (1);
point.scaleX = point.scaleY = .5;
case 2 :
//trace (2);
point.alpha = .5;
point.scaleX = point.scaleY = .3;
default :
trace ("Not 0, 1, or 2");
addChild (point);


// draw the new extracted image
function drawArray (_arr:Array) {
// trace ("drawArray ");
var _shape:Shape = new Shape(); (1, 0x333333, 1); (0xcccccc); (_arr[0][0], _arr[0][1]); // starting point
for (var i=1; i<=_arr.length; i+=3) { (_arr[i][0], _arr[i][1] , _arr[i+1][0], _arr[i+1][1]);
// (_arr[i+1][0], _arr[i+1][1]);
} ();
this.drawContainer_mc.addChild (_shape);

// jumpstart everything
function init (){
for (var j=0; j<shapeArrayz.length; j++) {
// trace(shapeArrayz[j])
createPoints2 (shapeArrayz[j]);
drawArray (shapeArrayz[j]);
init ();


Update #1: I previously used point_mc in the code. That was a movieClip in the library with a linkage name. I changed it in the code, I hope that helps.

Eventually I will use the points, and generated shapes to modify the shape (move a point, create a new shape) and/or to add points.

Extending Flash Flash

Object 2 Layer jsfl

For a project of mine: Custmm Grumm I needed to change a shape into an array (explained in this post shape 2 array jsfl ).

To make this happen I imported the .AI file (Illustrator) to the stage. But it will place everything on one layer, every shape it’s own ‘group’ and the script I wrote (shape 2 array jsfl), needs every shape on one layer.
Flash import screen

So here a script that, as long the different shape are still group individually, will give every shape it’s own layer.

Update #1: This script is not only useful in this project, in every project where you have a lot of objects that need there own layer, this is the JSFL for you!
Remember if you need to animate an movieclip, it needs to have it’s own layer (timeline)

Need a lot of item on there own layer (own timeline) in Flash, don’t copy past it one by one, but just use this JSFL

Not sure how to call this script when you save it: “[mck] object2layer.jsfl
* Object2Layer, version 1.1
* select an item on the timeline and convert it to a layer

*  ____                   _      ____
* |  __| _ __ ___    ___ | | __ |__  |
* | |   | '_ ` _ \  / __|| |/ /    | |
* | |   | | | | | || (__ |   <     | |
* | |__ |_| |_| |_| \___||_|\_\  __| |
* |____|                        |____|

* @author Matthijs C. Kamstra [mck]
* @version 1.1
* @since Fri Jun 01 19:43:37 2007
* @langversion: ActionScript 2.0 / 3.0
* Changelog:
* v 1.0 [2007-06-01] - Initial release
* v 1.1 [2008-03-20] - Change jsfl name; multiple item at once

var versionString = '1.1';

var currentDoc = fl.getDocumentDOM ();
var timeline = fl.getDocumentDOM ().getTimeline ();
var curLayer = fl.getDocumentDOM ().getTimeline ().currentLayer;
var curFrame = fl.getDocumentDOM ().getTimeline ().currentFrame;
var selectionArray = currentDoc.selection;

// check if something is selected
if (selectionArray.length == 0){
alert ('nothing selected')
} else {
// end

have fun 🙂

AS3 Extending Flash Flash

Shape 2 Array jsfl

For a project of mine: Custmm Grumm I needed to change a shape into an array, you could say that I needed to change a Illustrator/vector file into code.

As far as I know there is no other method then the one I created here with jsfl.

To make this happen I imported the .AI file (Illustrator) to the stage.
Flash import screen

This JSFL files has some restrictions, you can read it in the comments:

this script only works under certain conditions:
– everything that is selected must be shapes, if not, this doesn’t work (select all and ctrl+b (break))
– every shape has to be in a different layer, otherwise the script see it as one shape

The result of this jsfl is not always what you expect…
sometimes geometric shapes like squares/rectangles/triangles are all f#$%ed-up (it looks like curves are made to opposite corners)
I have no solution for that in this jsfl (in the code), it seems that Flash ‘reads’ the shape wrong (or in the wrong order)…
But you could try:

  • I used the straighten tool which worked in one case, but not in the other
  • rotated a square 90 degrees
  • both solutions

I’m not making an install file, so if you want to try this script you need to copy it in the correct directory (I’m sorry for the OsX users: I have no idea, but if you do, place a comment)
Windows (on my computer): C:\Documents and Settings\[here you name]\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\Flash CS3\en\Configuration\Commands

here is the JSFL (if you need to give it a name; I have a suggestion: “[mck] shape2array 2.jsfl”)

* this script only works under certain conditions:
*		- everything that is selected must be shapes, if not, this doesn't work (select all and ctrl+b (break))
* 		- every shape has to be in a different layer, otherwise the script see it as one shape 
* The result of this jsfl is not always what you expect...
* 		sometimes geometric shapes like squares/rectangles/triangles are all f#$%ed-up (it looks like curves are made to opposite corners)
* 		I have no solution for that in this jsfl (in the code), it seems that Flash 'reads' the shape wrong (or in the wrong order)... 
*		But you could try: 	- I used the straighten tool which worked in one case, but not in the other 
*						- rotated a square 90 degrees 
*						- both solutions 
* based upon
* and
* <pre>
*  ____                   _      ____
* |  __| _ __ ___    ___ | | __ |__  |
* | |   | '_ ` _ \  / __|| |/ /    | |
* | |   | | | | | || (__ |   <     | |
* | |__ |_| |_| |_| \___||_|\_\  __| |
* |____|                        |____|
* </pre>
* @author			Matthijs C. Kamstra [mck]
* @version		1.1
* @since			10:00 5-5-2008
* Changelog:
* 		v1.1 [2008-05-09] - test movie after use of this jsfl
* 		v1.0 [2008-05-05] - Initial release
var currentVersion = '1.1';

fl.trace ('[mck] shape2Array :: version ' + currentVersion);

// with a shape selected
var ptArray = [];
var doneEdge = [];
var exportString = 'var shapeArrayz:Array = new Array ();\n';
var selectionNumber = 0;

// fl.trace("// start ---------------------------");
function isDrawn(id) {
	for (var k = 0; k<doneEdge.length; k++) {
		if (doneEdge[k] == id) {
			return true;
	return false;

sel = fl.getDocumentDOM().selection;
for (var n = 0; n < sel.length; n++) {

	exportString += 'shapeArrayz['+n+'] = [';
	selectionNumber = sel.length;
	var elt = sel[n];
	if (elt.elementType != 'shape') {
	for (i=0; i<elt.contours.length; i++) {
		var cont = elt.contours[i];
		var he = cont.getHalfEdge();
		var startId =;
		var id = 0;
		while (id != startId) {
			var ed = he.getEdge();
			if (!isDrawn( {
				for (var j = 0; j<3; j++) {
					var pt = ed.getControl(j);
					ptArray.push(pt.x, pt.y , j);
					exportString += '[' + pt.x + ',' + pt.y + ',' + j + '] , ';
			he = he.getNext();
			id =;
	exportString += '];\n';
// fl.trace(ptArray);
// fl.trace("// end ---------------------------");

// I'm a lazy bastard, so paste the code in the as layer
// create or place code in 'as' layer
var tl = fl.getDocumentDOM().getTimeline();
if (tl.findLayerIndex("as") == undefined){
	tl.addNewLayer('as', 'normal' , true); 
} else {
	tl.currentLayer = tl.findLayerIndex("as")[0];
tl.layers[tl.currentLayer].frames[0].actionScript = exportString.split('] , ];').join(']];') + "\n";

// The following example tests the movie for the current document:
fl.getDocumentDOM().testMovie(); // if you don't want to export to swf after the jsfl is ready, comment this line

// end jsfl

It will create a layer named ‘as’ where the array will be placed that will look something like this:

var shapeArrayz:Array = new Array ();
shapeArrayz[0] = [[20.05,169.5,0] , [62.425,169.5,1] , [104.8,169.5,2] , [104.8,169.5,0] , [104.8,211.85,1] , [104.8,254.2,2] , [104.8,254.2,0] , [62.425,254.2,1] , [20.05,254.2,2] , [20.05,254.2,0] , [20.05,211.85,1] , [20.05,169.5,2]];
shapeArrayz[1] = [[189.55,0,0] , [189.55,42.35,1] , [189.55,84.7,2] , [189.55,84.7,0] , [147.175,84.7,1] , [104.8,84.7,2] , [104.8,84.7,0] , [104.8,42.35,1] , [104.8,0,2] , [104.8,0,0] , [147.175,0,1] , [189.55,0,2]];
shapeArrayz[2] = [[189.55,169.45,0] , [231.9,169.45,1] , [274.25,169.45,2] , [274.25,169.45,0] , [274.25,211.8,1] , [274.25,254.15,2] , [274.25,254.15,0] , [231.9,254.15,1] , [189.55,254.15,2] , [189.55,254.15,0] , [189.55,211.8,1] , [189.55,169.45,2]];
shapeArrayz[3] = [[189.55,84.7,0] , [189.55,127.075,1] , [189.55,169.45,2] , [189.55,169.45,0] , [147.175,169.45,1] , [104.8,169.45,2] , [104.8,169.45,0] , [104.8,127.075,1] , [104.8,84.7,2] , [104.8,84.7,0] , [147.175,84.7,1] , [189.55,84.7,2]];
shapeArrayz[4] = [[104.8,169.45,0] , [147.175,169.45,1] , [189.55,169.45,2] , [189.55,169.45,0] , [189.55,211.8,1] , [189.55,254.15,2] , [189.55,254.15,0] , [147.175,254.15,1] , [104.8,254.15,2] , [104.8,254.15,0] , [104.8,211.8,1] , [104.8,169.45,2]];
shapeArrayz[5] = [[104.8,338.95,0] , [104.8,296.55,1] , [104.8,254.15,2] , [104.8,254.15,0] , [147.175,254.15,1] , [189.55,254.15,2] , [189.55,254.15,0] , [189.55,296.55,1] , [189.55,338.95,2] , [189.55,338.95,0] , [147.175,338.95,1] , [104.8,338.95,2]];
shapeArrayz[6] = [[274.25,169.5,0] , [284.275,179.5,1] , [294.3,189.5,2] , [294.3,189.5,0] , [294.3,211.9,1] , [294.3,234.3,2] , [294.3,234.3,0] , [294.275,234.3,1] , [294.25,234.3,2] , [294.25,234.3,0] , [284.325,244.25,1] , [274.4,254.2,2] , [274.4,254.2,0] , [274.325,254.2,1] , [274.25,254.2,2] , [274.25,254.2,0] , [274.25,211.85,1] , [274.25,169.5,2]];
shapeArrayz[7] = [[0.1,189.45,0] , [10.1,179.45,1] , [20.1,169.45,2] , [20.15,254.2,0] , [20.125,211.825,1] , [20.1,169.45,2] , [20.15,254.2,0] , [20.1,254.2,1] , [20.05,254.2,2] , [20.05,254.2,0] , [10.025,244.2,1] , [0,234.2,2] , [0,234.2,0] , [0.05,211.825,1] , [0.1,189.45,2]];
shapeArrayz[8] = [[124.85,359,0] , [114.825,349,1] , [104.8,339,2] , [189.55,338.85,0] , [147.175,338.925,1] , [104.8,339,2] , [189.55,338.85,0] , [189.55,338.925,1] , [189.55,339,2] , [189.55,339,0] , [179.6,349.05,1] , [169.65,359.1,2] , [169.65,359.1,0] , [147.25,359.05,1] , [124.85,359,2]];
shapeArrayz[9] = [[274.25,254.15,0] , [274.25,254.2,1] , [274.25,254.25,2] , [274.25,254.25,0] , [264.3,264.275,1] , [254.35,274.3,2] , [254.35,274.3,0] , [231.975,274.3,1] , [209.6,274.3,2] , [209.6,274.3,0] , [199.575,264.25,1] , [189.55,254.2,2] , [189.55,254.2,0] , [231.9,254.175,1] , [274.25,254.15,2]];
shapeArrayz[10] = [[104.8,254.15,0] , [104.8,254.2,1] , [104.8,254.25,2] , [104.8,254.25,0] , [94.85,264.275,1] , [84.9,274.3,2] , [84.9,274.3,0] , [62.525,274.3,1] , [40.15,274.3,2] , [40.15,274.3,0] , [30.125,264.25,1] , [20.1,254.2,2] , [20.1,254.2,0] , [62.45,254.175,1] , [104.8,254.15,2]];
shapeArrayz[11] = [[189.6,169.5,0] , [199.625,159.475,1] , [209.65,149.45,2] , [209.65,149.45,0] , [232.025,149.45,1] , [254.4,149.45,2] , [254.4,149.45,0] , [254.4,149.475,1] , [254.4,149.5,2] , [254.4,149.5,0] , [264.325,159.475,1] , [274.25,169.45,2] , [274.25,169.45,0] , [274.25,169.5,1] , [274.25,169.55,2] , [189.6,169.5,0] , [231.925,169.525,1] , [274.25,169.55,2]];
shapeArrayz[12] = [[20.15,169.5,0] , [30.175,159.475,1] , [40.2,149.45,2] , [40.2,149.45,0] , [62.55,149.45,1] , [84.9,149.45,2] , [84.9,149.45,0] , [84.9,149.475,1] , [84.9,149.5,2] , [84.9,149.5,0] , [94.85,159.475,1] , [104.8,169.45,2] , [104.8,169.45,0] , [104.8,169.5,1] , [104.8,169.55,2] , [20.15,169.5,0] , [62.475,169.525,1] , [104.8,169.55,2]];

And if you need some help to convert this Array into a Flash generated shape ?
here is some code that could help you (AS3):

// draw the new extracted image
function drawArray (_arr:Array) {
	// trace ("drawArray ");
	var _shape:Shape = new Shape(); (1, 0x333333, 1); (0xcccccc); (_arr[0][0], _arr[0][1]); // starting point
	for (var i=1; i<=_arr.length; i+=3) { (_arr[i][0], _arr[i][1] , _arr[i+1][0], _arr[i+1][1]);
		// (_arr[i+1][0], _arr[i+1][1]);
	} ();
	this.drawContainer_mc.addChild (_shape);

// jumpstart everything
function init (){	
	for (var j=0; j<shapeArrayz.length; j++) {
		// trace(shapeArrayz[j])
		drawArray (shapeArrayz[j]);
init ();

have fun 🙂