AS3 Flash

Link dump: 18-03-2008

Just a linkdump, because my wrist is still broken:

We needed a external font library for a project that we did. Here are two links to useful information:
(Runtime font loading with AS3 / Flash CS3 (not Flex!))

There is just one thing that could drive you mad:

If you additionally place a static textfield onto the stage with the same font the text in the dynamic textfield isn’t shown anymore. Don’t really understand why…but it’s probably the same problem as if you set the same font in the dynamic textfield (maybe a “font collision”?). A workaround is to create the font symbol in the fla and select it (the one with *) in the property inspector.

We used another approach, we removed every font used in the external font-library from the fla-library, and because the libraries can get big, I found this script that will make it easier:

AS3 Custmm Grumm Extending Flash Grumm Urban papercraft

Custmm Grumm – AI 2 Array

Another experiment towards Custmm Grumm. This time my task was to export/import an Illustrator file to Flash…

Yeah, yeah; I know: you say “import to stage” … correct! 😉
But what I need is the shape converted to code (coordinates in the x-direction and y-direction)..
Ha, you stopped grinning!

Well the first part is correct.
You need to import the file to the stage and give every imported shape it’s own layer.
This is something that you don’t want to do by hand (I didn’t want to 😉 ), so I wrote a jsfl that fixes that for you (read my post about it here: object-to-layer-jsfl)

After that you need to extract the values (x and y-positions form the corners of the shapes) of the files. Some thing, you don’t want that to do by hand: I have written a jsfl who does that. (read more about that here: shape-2-array-jsfl )

If you use these two scripts, you get: all imported shapes in different layers, and you can extract all values.
Example of the array:
var shapeArrayz:Array = new Array ();
shapeArrayz[0] = [[20.05,169.5,0] , [62.425,169.5,1] , [104.8,169.5,2] , [104.8,169.5,0] , [104.8,211.85,1] , [104.8,254.2,2] , [104.8,254.2,0] , [62.425,254.2,1] , [20.05,254.2,2] , [20.05,254.2,0] , [20.05,211.85,1] , [20.05,169.5,2]];
// etc…
This array off point can be used to generate the shape you just “traced”.

Generated shapes from an Array

This script (below) is used to generate the points (every line has 3 points, the beginning, the end and one inbetween), and the generated shape on the right side (no points, only the shape):
var shapeArray:Array = [];

// visualize the points
function createPoints2 (_pointArray:Array) {
shapeArray = [];
var point:MovieClipInLibraryWithLinkageName;
for (var i=0; i<_pointArray.length; i++) {
point = new MovieClipInLibraryWithLinkageName();
point.x = _pointArray[i][0];
point.y = _pointArray[i][1];
var switchExpression:uint = _pointArray[i][2];
switch (switchExpression) {
case 0 :
//trace (0);
point.alpha = .5;
shapeArray.push ([_pointArray[i][0],_pointArray[i][1]]);
case 1 :
//trace (1);
point.scaleX = point.scaleY = .5;
case 2 :
//trace (2);
point.alpha = .5;
point.scaleX = point.scaleY = .3;
default :
trace ("Not 0, 1, or 2");
addChild (point);


// draw the new extracted image
function drawArray (_arr:Array) {
// trace ("drawArray ");
var _shape:Shape = new Shape(); (1, 0x333333, 1); (0xcccccc); (_arr[0][0], _arr[0][1]); // starting point
for (var i=1; i<=_arr.length; i+=3) { (_arr[i][0], _arr[i][1] , _arr[i+1][0], _arr[i+1][1]);
// (_arr[i+1][0], _arr[i+1][1]);
} ();
this.drawContainer_mc.addChild (_shape);

// jumpstart everything
function init (){
for (var j=0; j<shapeArrayz.length; j++) {
// trace(shapeArrayz[j])
createPoints2 (shapeArrayz[j]);
drawArray (shapeArrayz[j]);
init ();


Update #1: I previously used point_mc in the code. That was a movieClip in the library with a linkage name. I changed it in the code, I hope that helps.

Eventually I will use the points, and generated shapes to modify the shape (move a point, create a new shape) and/or to add points.

Extending Flash Flash

Object 2 Layer jsfl

For a project of mine: Custmm Grumm I needed to change a shape into an array (explained in this post shape 2 array jsfl ).

To make this happen I imported the .AI file (Illustrator) to the stage. But it will place everything on one layer, every shape it’s own ‘group’ and the script I wrote (shape 2 array jsfl), needs every shape on one layer.
Flash import screen

So here a script that, as long the different shape are still group individually, will give every shape it’s own layer.

Update #1: This script is not only useful in this project, in every project where you have a lot of objects that need there own layer, this is the JSFL for you!
Remember if you need to animate an movieclip, it needs to have it’s own layer (timeline)

Need a lot of item on there own layer (own timeline) in Flash, don’t copy past it one by one, but just use this JSFL

Not sure how to call this script when you save it: “[mck] object2layer.jsfl
* Object2Layer, version 1.1
* select an item on the timeline and convert it to a layer

*  ____                   _      ____
* |  __| _ __ ___    ___ | | __ |__  |
* | |   | '_ ` _ \  / __|| |/ /    | |
* | |   | | | | | || (__ |   <     | |
* | |__ |_| |_| |_| \___||_|\_\  __| |
* |____|                        |____|

* @author Matthijs C. Kamstra [mck]
* @version 1.1
* @since Fri Jun 01 19:43:37 2007
* @langversion: ActionScript 2.0 / 3.0
* Changelog:
* v 1.0 [2007-06-01] - Initial release
* v 1.1 [2008-03-20] - Change jsfl name; multiple item at once

var versionString = '1.1';

var currentDoc = fl.getDocumentDOM ();
var timeline = fl.getDocumentDOM ().getTimeline ();
var curLayer = fl.getDocumentDOM ().getTimeline ().currentLayer;
var curFrame = fl.getDocumentDOM ().getTimeline ().currentFrame;
var selectionArray = currentDoc.selection;

// check if something is selected
if (selectionArray.length == 0){
alert ('nothing selected')
} else {
// end

have fun 🙂

AS3 Extending Flash Flash

Shape 2 Array jsfl

For a project of mine: Custmm Grumm I needed to change a shape into an array, you could say that I needed to change a Illustrator/vector file into code.

As far as I know there is no other method then the one I created here with jsfl.

To make this happen I imported the .AI file (Illustrator) to the stage.
Flash import screen

This JSFL files has some restrictions, you can read it in the comments:

this script only works under certain conditions:
– everything that is selected must be shapes, if not, this doesn’t work (select all and ctrl+b (break))
– every shape has to be in a different layer, otherwise the script see it as one shape

The result of this jsfl is not always what you expect…
sometimes geometric shapes like squares/rectangles/triangles are all f#$%ed-up (it looks like curves are made to opposite corners)
I have no solution for that in this jsfl (in the code), it seems that Flash ‘reads’ the shape wrong (or in the wrong order)…
But you could try:

  • I used the straighten tool which worked in one case, but not in the other
  • rotated a square 90 degrees
  • both solutions

I’m not making an install file, so if you want to try this script you need to copy it in the correct directory (I’m sorry for the OsX users: I have no idea, but if you do, place a comment)
Windows (on my computer): C:\Documents and Settings\[here you name]\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\Flash CS3\en\Configuration\Commands

here is the JSFL (if you need to give it a name; I have a suggestion: “[mck] shape2array 2.jsfl”)

* this script only works under certain conditions:
*		- everything that is selected must be shapes, if not, this doesn't work (select all and ctrl+b (break))
* 		- every shape has to be in a different layer, otherwise the script see it as one shape 
* The result of this jsfl is not always what you expect...
* 		sometimes geometric shapes like squares/rectangles/triangles are all f#$%ed-up (it looks like curves are made to opposite corners)
* 		I have no solution for that in this jsfl (in the code), it seems that Flash 'reads' the shape wrong (or in the wrong order)... 
*		But you could try: 	- I used the straighten tool which worked in one case, but not in the other 
*						- rotated a square 90 degrees 
*						- both solutions 
* based upon
* and
* <pre>
*  ____                   _      ____
* |  __| _ __ ___    ___ | | __ |__  |
* | |   | '_ ` _ \  / __|| |/ /    | |
* | |   | | | | | || (__ |   <     | |
* | |__ |_| |_| |_| \___||_|\_\  __| |
* |____|                        |____|
* </pre>
* @author			Matthijs C. Kamstra [mck]
* @version		1.1
* @since			10:00 5-5-2008
* Changelog:
* 		v1.1 [2008-05-09] - test movie after use of this jsfl
* 		v1.0 [2008-05-05] - Initial release
var currentVersion = '1.1';

fl.trace ('[mck] shape2Array :: version ' + currentVersion);

// with a shape selected
var ptArray = [];
var doneEdge = [];
var exportString = 'var shapeArrayz:Array = new Array ();\n';
var selectionNumber = 0;

// fl.trace("// start ---------------------------");
function isDrawn(id) {
	for (var k = 0; k<doneEdge.length; k++) {
		if (doneEdge[k] == id) {
			return true;
	return false;

sel = fl.getDocumentDOM().selection;
for (var n = 0; n < sel.length; n++) {

	exportString += 'shapeArrayz['+n+'] = [';
	selectionNumber = sel.length;
	var elt = sel[n];
	if (elt.elementType != 'shape') {
	for (i=0; i<elt.contours.length; i++) {
		var cont = elt.contours[i];
		var he = cont.getHalfEdge();
		var startId =;
		var id = 0;
		while (id != startId) {
			var ed = he.getEdge();
			if (!isDrawn( {
				for (var j = 0; j<3; j++) {
					var pt = ed.getControl(j);
					ptArray.push(pt.x, pt.y , j);
					exportString += '[' + pt.x + ',' + pt.y + ',' + j + '] , ';
			he = he.getNext();
			id =;
	exportString += '];\n';
// fl.trace(ptArray);
// fl.trace("// end ---------------------------");

// I'm a lazy bastard, so paste the code in the as layer
// create or place code in 'as' layer
var tl = fl.getDocumentDOM().getTimeline();
if (tl.findLayerIndex("as") == undefined){
	tl.addNewLayer('as', 'normal' , true); 
} else {
	tl.currentLayer = tl.findLayerIndex("as")[0];
tl.layers[tl.currentLayer].frames[0].actionScript = exportString.split('] , ];').join(']];') + "\n";

// The following example tests the movie for the current document:
fl.getDocumentDOM().testMovie(); // if you don't want to export to swf after the jsfl is ready, comment this line

// end jsfl

It will create a layer named ‘as’ where the array will be placed that will look something like this:

var shapeArrayz:Array = new Array ();
shapeArrayz[0] = [[20.05,169.5,0] , [62.425,169.5,1] , [104.8,169.5,2] , [104.8,169.5,0] , [104.8,211.85,1] , [104.8,254.2,2] , [104.8,254.2,0] , [62.425,254.2,1] , [20.05,254.2,2] , [20.05,254.2,0] , [20.05,211.85,1] , [20.05,169.5,2]];
shapeArrayz[1] = [[189.55,0,0] , [189.55,42.35,1] , [189.55,84.7,2] , [189.55,84.7,0] , [147.175,84.7,1] , [104.8,84.7,2] , [104.8,84.7,0] , [104.8,42.35,1] , [104.8,0,2] , [104.8,0,0] , [147.175,0,1] , [189.55,0,2]];
shapeArrayz[2] = [[189.55,169.45,0] , [231.9,169.45,1] , [274.25,169.45,2] , [274.25,169.45,0] , [274.25,211.8,1] , [274.25,254.15,2] , [274.25,254.15,0] , [231.9,254.15,1] , [189.55,254.15,2] , [189.55,254.15,0] , [189.55,211.8,1] , [189.55,169.45,2]];
shapeArrayz[3] = [[189.55,84.7,0] , [189.55,127.075,1] , [189.55,169.45,2] , [189.55,169.45,0] , [147.175,169.45,1] , [104.8,169.45,2] , [104.8,169.45,0] , [104.8,127.075,1] , [104.8,84.7,2] , [104.8,84.7,0] , [147.175,84.7,1] , [189.55,84.7,2]];
shapeArrayz[4] = [[104.8,169.45,0] , [147.175,169.45,1] , [189.55,169.45,2] , [189.55,169.45,0] , [189.55,211.8,1] , [189.55,254.15,2] , [189.55,254.15,0] , [147.175,254.15,1] , [104.8,254.15,2] , [104.8,254.15,0] , [104.8,211.8,1] , [104.8,169.45,2]];
shapeArrayz[5] = [[104.8,338.95,0] , [104.8,296.55,1] , [104.8,254.15,2] , [104.8,254.15,0] , [147.175,254.15,1] , [189.55,254.15,2] , [189.55,254.15,0] , [189.55,296.55,1] , [189.55,338.95,2] , [189.55,338.95,0] , [147.175,338.95,1] , [104.8,338.95,2]];
shapeArrayz[6] = [[274.25,169.5,0] , [284.275,179.5,1] , [294.3,189.5,2] , [294.3,189.5,0] , [294.3,211.9,1] , [294.3,234.3,2] , [294.3,234.3,0] , [294.275,234.3,1] , [294.25,234.3,2] , [294.25,234.3,0] , [284.325,244.25,1] , [274.4,254.2,2] , [274.4,254.2,0] , [274.325,254.2,1] , [274.25,254.2,2] , [274.25,254.2,0] , [274.25,211.85,1] , [274.25,169.5,2]];
shapeArrayz[7] = [[0.1,189.45,0] , [10.1,179.45,1] , [20.1,169.45,2] , [20.15,254.2,0] , [20.125,211.825,1] , [20.1,169.45,2] , [20.15,254.2,0] , [20.1,254.2,1] , [20.05,254.2,2] , [20.05,254.2,0] , [10.025,244.2,1] , [0,234.2,2] , [0,234.2,0] , [0.05,211.825,1] , [0.1,189.45,2]];
shapeArrayz[8] = [[124.85,359,0] , [114.825,349,1] , [104.8,339,2] , [189.55,338.85,0] , [147.175,338.925,1] , [104.8,339,2] , [189.55,338.85,0] , [189.55,338.925,1] , [189.55,339,2] , [189.55,339,0] , [179.6,349.05,1] , [169.65,359.1,2] , [169.65,359.1,0] , [147.25,359.05,1] , [124.85,359,2]];
shapeArrayz[9] = [[274.25,254.15,0] , [274.25,254.2,1] , [274.25,254.25,2] , [274.25,254.25,0] , [264.3,264.275,1] , [254.35,274.3,2] , [254.35,274.3,0] , [231.975,274.3,1] , [209.6,274.3,2] , [209.6,274.3,0] , [199.575,264.25,1] , [189.55,254.2,2] , [189.55,254.2,0] , [231.9,254.175,1] , [274.25,254.15,2]];
shapeArrayz[10] = [[104.8,254.15,0] , [104.8,254.2,1] , [104.8,254.25,2] , [104.8,254.25,0] , [94.85,264.275,1] , [84.9,274.3,2] , [84.9,274.3,0] , [62.525,274.3,1] , [40.15,274.3,2] , [40.15,274.3,0] , [30.125,264.25,1] , [20.1,254.2,2] , [20.1,254.2,0] , [62.45,254.175,1] , [104.8,254.15,2]];
shapeArrayz[11] = [[189.6,169.5,0] , [199.625,159.475,1] , [209.65,149.45,2] , [209.65,149.45,0] , [232.025,149.45,1] , [254.4,149.45,2] , [254.4,149.45,0] , [254.4,149.475,1] , [254.4,149.5,2] , [254.4,149.5,0] , [264.325,159.475,1] , [274.25,169.45,2] , [274.25,169.45,0] , [274.25,169.5,1] , [274.25,169.55,2] , [189.6,169.5,0] , [231.925,169.525,1] , [274.25,169.55,2]];
shapeArrayz[12] = [[20.15,169.5,0] , [30.175,159.475,1] , [40.2,149.45,2] , [40.2,149.45,0] , [62.55,149.45,1] , [84.9,149.45,2] , [84.9,149.45,0] , [84.9,149.475,1] , [84.9,149.5,2] , [84.9,149.5,0] , [94.85,159.475,1] , [104.8,169.45,2] , [104.8,169.45,0] , [104.8,169.5,1] , [104.8,169.55,2] , [20.15,169.5,0] , [62.475,169.525,1] , [104.8,169.55,2]];

And if you need some help to convert this Array into a Flash generated shape ?
here is some code that could help you (AS3):

// draw the new extracted image
function drawArray (_arr:Array) {
	// trace ("drawArray ");
	var _shape:Shape = new Shape(); (1, 0x333333, 1); (0xcccccc); (_arr[0][0], _arr[0][1]); // starting point
	for (var i=1; i<=_arr.length; i+=3) { (_arr[i][0], _arr[i][1] , _arr[i+1][0], _arr[i+1][1]);
		// (_arr[i+1][0], _arr[i+1][1]);
	} ();
	this.drawContainer_mc.addChild (_shape);

// jumpstart everything
function init (){	
	for (var j=0; j<shapeArrayz.length; j++) {
		// trace(shapeArrayz[j])
		drawArray (shapeArrayz[j]);
init ();

have fun 🙂

Extending Flash Flash

XML Reader Flash panel – Todo and Requests

A while ago, I created XML Reader Flash panel.
I’ve been using it (and colleagues) for some time now, and I found some points of improvement:

  • Doesn’t work correctly on a mac (scrollbar disappears)
  • External XML (fill in url of XML)
  • Remove \r and \n in node
  • Errors about wrong formed XML
  • Different methods of reading XML (XML-DOM, X-path, XML2Array, ….)
  • More information
Extending Flash Flash

Readable trace JSFL

Oke I’m getting into it, after comment trace JSFL and uncomment trace JSFL I created another trace related JSFL command.

It’s a extension on a trace that really says nothing;
you are testing the code you just written
trace (thisVar);
but you really want to:
trace ('thisVar: ' + thisVar);

And now you can: change the first trace into the second, more readable trace with just one click

How to install:
Save [mck] Readable trace.jsfl in the jsfl commands folder or just use the installer:

Read more about the Extension Manager


  • Only in one frame
  • When you use in the Action (F9) panel, the ‘pin active script’ to pin a couple of frames with actionscript, it doesn’t work

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

Any requests?

Extending Flash Flash

Uncomment trace JSFL

Oke I did the damage, I will fix it….

In my previous post about comment trace JSFL I made it possible to comment all traces in a actionscript frame.
Well now I’ve made a JSFL command to make it possible to undo that.

// trace ("something");
trace ("something");

How to install:
Save [mck] UnComment trace.jsfl in the jsfl commands folder or just use the installer:

Read more about the Extension Manager

(it has the same limitations as [mck] Comment trace)

  • Only in one frame
  • When you use in the Action (F9) panel, the ‘pin active script’ to pin a couple of frames with actionscript, it doesn’t work
  • words with trace in it… example var traceThis = "foo";
  • Will not Uncomment block comment (/* ….. * / )

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

Any requests?

Extending Flash Flash

Comment trace JSFL

Do you recognize the following situation?
You have to change a small thing in a FLA that colleague / freelancer made.
So you open the FLA export it, and the output window get filled with numbers, variables, booleans and other trace comments…

Of course you know that a trace should be removed after it did what you put it in for, but not everybody knows that.
So you decide to remove the traces in the actionScript layer:

  1. CTRL + F (find)
  2. Type in Find what: “trace (“
  3. and type in Replace with: “// trace (“
  4. press Replace button


  1. Commands
  2. [mck] Comment trace

(you can even give a command a keyboard shortcut)

It’s one of the features that I love from SE|PY, the AS-editor I’m using when I’m not scripting in the Flash IDE editor.

How to install:
Save [mck] Comment trace in the jsfl commands folder or just use the installer

Read more about the Extension Manager


  • Only in one frame
  • When you use in the Action (F9) panel, the ‘pin active script’ to pin a couple of frames with actionscript, it doesn’t work
  • words with trace in it… example var traceThis = "foo";

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

Any requests?

Extending Flash Flash

About extending Flash

I recently started to get interested in JavaScript Flash (JSFL) and I’m really impressed with its ‘power’.
As the title says: it extents the Adobe Flash authoring environment: you can add commands, new tools / panels, behaviour, actions, templates, and much more. You can make Flash do stuff it can’t do out of the box.

Extension are not only used in Flash but can also be used in other Adobe applications, but I can only focus on Flash.

The Flash JavaScript application programming interface (JavaScript API) is a complementary programming tool that lets you create scripts that run in the authoring environment.


There some things you need to know, and this post will explain some of them, and will be used by me in other post about extending Flash (so I have to explain it once):


Commands can be found in the Flash under Commands (seems obvious..)

I will post the commands here without a installer so you can learn from it.
But this file can also be used and copied in the correct folder it will work.
Commands can be placed in the correct folder, and can be used without restarting.

So right mouse button (save file… ) and save/copy the file to the command folder.
Flash 8

C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash 8\[language]\Configuration\Commands

Flash CS3:

C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\Flash CS3\[language]\Configuration\Commands
Remember to look in the “Local Settings” folder for the “Application Data” folder!
Flash 8 was made by “Macromedia” but this company was bought by Adobe so Flash CS3 can be found in the “Adobe” folder

Flash panels

Flash panels are mostly .SWF with scripts that only work in the Flash authoring environment.
I will post the .FLA and everything else needed to get the SWF working also on this blog. But I can’t promise that it will be educational, but I will try to clean up the files where I can.
The Flash Panels can be found under “Window” >> “Other Panels“.

A Flash panel can be installed manually, but you will need a restart before you can use it. But once you installed it and restarted Flash you can modify the SWF as much as you want.

Flash 8

C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash 8\[language]\Configuration\WindowSWF

Flash CS3:

C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\Flash CS3\[language]\Configuration\WindowSWF
Remember to look in the “Local Settings” folder for the “Application Data” folder!
Flash 8 was made by “Macromedia” but this company was bought by Adobe so Flash CS3 can be found in the “Adobe” folder
You need to restart Flash to have access to Flash Panel

Adobe Extension Manager

To install any of the extensions (.MXP – files) I’ve created you will need a Adobe Extension Manager, it’s free and you can install older versions in case you’re working with Flash MX of Flash 8.
And at least Macromedia Flash MX 2004 but I’m working with Adobe Flash CS3 and I test my scripts in Flash 8.

Once you have the Extension Manager installed you only have to download the MXP files and double click it or use the install on the Extension Manager.

Creative Commons License

And, as most of my work here, it’s licensed under Creative Commons License:

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.