Design Grumm Urban papercraft

Son of a Grumm

Matt Hawkins started a book about papertoys which will be publish early 2009 (read more about this in a previous post).

I contributed Son of a Grumm, which is an exclusive custom Grumm design, to this book.

This is: Son of a Grumm

Son of a Grumm

If you curious about the first half of the papertoys for the book (working title ‘Urban paper’), goto the Custom Paper Toys-account at Flickr.

if you want to more about Grumm visit it’s homepage and perhaps make a custom.

Grumm Urban papercraft

Paper Toy Book preview

Update #1: I got the complete list of paper toy designers from Matt Hawkins

Paper Toy Book preview, originally uploaded by Custom Paper Toys.

Last year I was invited to joint a group of 24 of the most talented paper toy designers in the world. Matt Hawkins (you know him from his site Custom Paper Toys or his contributions to Paperforest) started a book which will be publish early 2009.

On the image you see the first half of the papertoys:

Just visit flickr and see the notes on the picture, so you see who made what….

My toy is the one with the gun: I call it Son of a Grumm.
When I have my own pictures of it, I will post it here

Urban papercraft

Urban papercraft: Shin Tanaka (part 3) – Boxy

Last week I talked about the collaboration between Shin Tanaka and Nooka: nooka boxboy.
Nooka boxboy

Which was a good reason to visit Shin Tanaka site, and there it was: another cool papercraft project called BOXY (traveling over the world).
BOXY -traveling over the world

Shin wants custom designs for BOXY, but instead creating a downloadable link on his site (like Spiky Baby or Mask Hoody), the designer has to take a picture of his design and send it to Shin. He will put it on his site, and you will get your 15 minutes of fame….

Want to? Go to the page that explains what you need to do!

You should visit the BOXY page, because there a regular updates, but you can view a couple entries here:

BOXY by Shin TanakaStart slideshow here













Urban papercraft

Urban papercraft: Shin Tanaka (part 2) and Nooka

Shin Tanaka, one of my favorite urban papercraft artists, teamed up with Nooka.
Before this post I had never heard about Nooka, but they make very nice watches (which are difficult to find in the Netherlands).

Nice to know, but what has that to do with papercraft?
Nothing and everything, in a collaboration between the two, they created a papercraft project with the name “nooka boxboy“.
Check out NOOKA Collab | SHIN TANAKA.

Or some of the pictures:

And you can also submit your own designs, although I’ve been checking this site regularly but haven’t seen any updates in the Gallery.
But submitting won’t hurt, or you can make a custom just for yourself: save the nooka boxboy blank template and start designing.

Design Grumm

Grumm homepage update

I just updated the new Grumm homepage:

New Grumm homepage design

For the people that don’t know who Grumm is: read something about this moody piece of paper.

And if your not doing anything, read everything 😉 , build Grumm the Screamer Red and be one the 10488 people who downloaded it (and, I hope, put it together) or create a custom design and send them to me. (with 9050 downloads you expect a lot of customs…. 🙁 )

Grumm the Screamer Red

Show your appreciation for Grumm by sending money, beer, holiday trips, cars, Flash books, fan-mail, transparant gifs your pictures and custom designs of Grumm to me. I love it, and will place them on the Grumm homepage to see or download.
Urban papercraft

Urban papercraft: Shin Tanaka

Shin Tanaka updated his site so check out.
And he added T-BOY HOODY to the list of paper toys you can customize or design! Just drop Shin one of the following email in his mailbox: “T-BOY HOODY” , “GRITTY” , and “SPIKY BABY”.

I decided to share a “hobby” of mine (read more about my “hobbies”).

But I will only share the cool part of it: I’m talking about urban papercraft.
The cool customizable paper toys who are similar to that of the vinyl scene.

Shin Tanaka is my favorite (well …. I can’t find a lot of builders who approach papercraft with a urban style). I like the simple shapes he uses to create the figures and that they fit on one pace of paper. But what makes him a genius is the fact that he makes DIY paper toys. And it works…. I want to design one too. So this will be added to my wish list. I especially like the GRITTY.

An example: darkimey X GRITTY
GRITTY darkimey
One of the master himself: QRCOD GRITTY

So if you have some spare time try one of these: the custom designed paper model collection especially made as a canvas for graffiti writers and designers who want to present their work for public! Or design a SPIKY BABY or GRITTY

Basic Spike from the SPIKY BABY [SERIES 3] – box
SPIKE basic

SPIKE bichorabioso << An example from bicho

The only “comment” I have about Shin that his portfolio-site doesn’t let us see everything he made in the past: he also made some papercraft based on figures from Michael Lau (Michael Lau creates bad ass figures!!): Davy (red), Davy in different colors, SF.M.L.F, and a “Special Paper Model Download Page” in English.

Update #1: An article about Shin Tanaka can be found Pingmag – The Tokoyo-based magazine